It seems that man has always wondered about what the future holds. Even today, we look forward with curiosity regarding what is to come. So, what does the future entail? War, the reinvention of nature, and the absence of pasta, according to many early futurists. The movement away from the natural world towards one shaped by man appears to be the basic principle of futurism. Nature is what kills us, so it seems best to reestablish nature to better fit the human race. It is the built environment, rather than nature, that allows us to find legitimate inspiration. Technology is what inspires us, and as such, technological progress is absolutely imperative. Nature does not advance in the way that humans advance technology, so it slows us down. Similarly, pasta fills us up and slows us down, so the food of the future should mirror the goals of the futuristic movement–we can no longer continue to eat such foods as pasta. As technology advances us towards a sound future, so does war. War will change nature for the better. Not only that, but, according to one of the leading futurists of the early twentieth century, Marinetti, it will also improve man aesthetically. War wounds solely serve as an aesthetic improvement instead of a symbol of heroism or patriotism.
Such ideals of futurism show that there can certainly be a sharp contrast between man and nature. While humans can choose to be a part of the natural world, they may also choose to work against nature, altering it for our own supposed benefit. While the present day does not seem to have turned out exactly how past futurists depicted it would, it cannot be ignored that certain predictions have come true, although perhaps not on such an extreme level. Nature has been altered by humans, through our continual reliance on and expansion of the built environment. War, too, has impacted the natural world. With the fulfillment of such predictions, it definitely makes one wonder if we are, indeed, heading toward the future as seen by futurists such as Marinetti as we move further into the anthropocene.