Who is ultimately in charge?

Category November 3

The Nature of Poems

In this evening lecture, we learned about the Italian Neo-Avant Garde movement. The literature that came out of this time was against the establishment. It was a movement away from the old. The works stemming out of this movement aimed… Continue Reading →


I was interested in this talk after having taken a poetry class during my sophomore year here. The speaker talked extensively about how poetry is tool for keeping language alive and revitalizing it. The only way to grasp the understanding… Continue Reading →

Shift in Avant Garde Writing Style

During Beppe Cavatorta’s lecture entitled “Re-writing the World: Italian Poetry in the 1960s and 1970,” he discussed the shock of Italian writing that occurred during the new Avant Garde. It is not surprising that there was a large clash in… Continue Reading →

Apocalyptic Poetry

I found that the poem from “Il pesce gotico” that Prof Cavatorta showed us reminded me of an elaborate cross of two things we are probably familiar with from grade school: the shape poem and a word association exercise.  As we… Continue Reading →

The Neo-Avant Guarde

I loved last Tuesday’s talk about the Italian neo-avant guarde, exploring the relationship between nature and the Italian literature in the time of the avant-guarde. It seemed that the Avant-guarde wanted to wreak havoc, and had a sort of separation… Continue Reading →

A Blank Canvas

In Beppe Cavatorta’s lecture I was intrigued with Giorgio Celli’s “Il Pesce Gotico”. This poem caught my attention for a few reasons. First, the structure of the poem is unusual because it is not formatted in the traditional way. The… Continue Reading →

Phenomenological Writing: Literature & Perception

In my English class with Professor Bryant, we have been discussing the importance of phenomenological reading. In essence, it is the concept of revisiting parts of a text and understanding it differently given new information or new experiences. I perceive… Continue Reading →

Italian Neo-avant-garde Poets and Emily Dickinson

Throughout Beppe Cavatorta’s lecture on “Nature and the Literature of the Italian Neo-Avante-Garde,” I was struck by the similarities between the poems he discussed and poems my “Emily Dickinson and English Poetry” class has analyzed. Although Dickinson wrote most of her poems over a… Continue Reading →

Rethinking Nature

In this week’s lecture, Cavatora explained the importance of nature in the Italian neo avant-garde literary movement. Previously, imagery and metaphor in Italian poetry had not focused on nature nearly as much as they did during the 1960s movement. Neo… Continue Reading →

Nature in the Atomic Age

One aspect of this week’s lecture that struck me was how much the work of the Italian poets in the 1960s reflected the time they were living in. Their poetry contained a lot of post-apocalyptic imagery, a response to the… Continue Reading →

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