Who is ultimately in charge?

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A Human/Nature Poster Session

A poster session to cap off the semester was held on Tuesday night, featuring many posters by students in the Science, Technology, and Society 297 class exploring different facets of human, nature, and the “slash” in between.  One of the… Continue Reading →

Dangerous Rhetoric

During the question portion of Prof. Rizzo’s talk on the movement of Futurism, an audience member remarked that it almost seemed that Filippo Tommaso Marinetti, Futurism’s founder, did not believe his own act, and might be trying to get people… Continue Reading →


Gianluca did something really interesting at the start of his lecture, which was to recount and summarize all of the previous lectures, and direct their ideas towards the theme of his own lecture. In addition, I’m not sure if this… Continue Reading →

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