Who is ultimately in charge?

Tag technology

The Neo-Avant Guarde

I loved last Tuesday’s talk about the Italian neo-avant guarde, exploring the relationship between nature and the Italian literature in the time of the avant-guarde. It seemed that the Avant-guarde wanted to wreak havoc, and had a sort of separation… Continue Reading →

Now v. Then

I thought looking at Charles Traub’s Lunchtime collection was interesting because the people on the streets in the 1970s and 1980s do not look all that different from the people on the streets today. Although the clothing and hairstyles captured… Continue Reading →

Futurism and Nature

The last lecture we had was on futurism, a social movement that focused especially on technology. Futurism was a term that I had heard of before, but never really cared to investigate further. After Tuesday’s lecture, I was interested by… Continue Reading →

Advancing towards the future

It seems that man has always wondered about what the future holds. Even today, we look forward with curiosity regarding what is to come. So, what does the future entail? War, the reinvention of nature, and the absence of pasta,… Continue Reading →

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