Who is ultimately in charge?

Author Joshua

Poster session

ST197 came to a close with a poster session that covered a range of interesting topics. I’ll reflect on a couple of the posters that I visited here. One poster, by Jay, focused on a Bernie Sanders quote that directly tied climate change… Continue Reading →

Plastic surgery with your phone

Tanya Sheehan gave us a lot to think about in her talk, “Extreme Makeovers: The Visual Culture of Plastic surgery.” Our visual culture presents itself all the way from adding a quick filter on a smartphone, to actually directly altering… Continue Reading →

Human’s: are we the most important?

Keith Peterson’s talk, titled “Contemporary Philosophical Perspectives on the Environment,” focused on what he referred to as Anthropocentrism of the Anthropocene. Professor Peterson provided a wealth of information, and while I was unable to understand some of the jargon he… Continue Reading →

Literature and it’s time period

Professor Cavatorta presented to us about Italian poetry of the 1960s and 1970s. This was especially literature from the neo-avant-garde movement. At Colby I have not had the opportunity to study poetry, or any literature beyond a novel in the… Continue Reading →

Dam, it’s actually something quite important

  Despite all the ‘punny’ things you can say about big dams, Professor Paul Josephson gave a very interesting talk entitled, “Big Dams, Big Damage? Brute Force Technologies and 20th Century State Power.” I attending this talk with my dad… Continue Reading →

Nymphs and Polar Bears

  Kerill O’Neil presented to us on “Huam/Nature in Antiquity,” and I found it very interesting to put our ongoing discussion in the context that Professor O’Neil provided. At Colby many of us are conscious of the environment, and when… Continue Reading →

Lunchtime isn’t just for lunch

Charles Traub’s talk titled, “The Sweet Way,” focused on his photography of the real world. Of the multiple projects of his that Traub’s introduced us to, I wanted to focus on Lunchtime, a collection of his street portraits taken in… Continue Reading →

Apparently I never knew what futurism actually was

I’m not sure anymore what I thought futurism was, but I found Professor Rizzo’s discussion on “Futurism, Violence, and the Re-making of the World,” to informative. One of the first points to capture my interest was the evolution of the… Continue Reading →

Fridges and Fields

I rarely ever think about refrigeration and its effect on society, but for Nicola Twilley it seemed like a hot topic! So I like my fridge? YES! Cold storage is incredibly convenient, and, especially when living in a dorm, very… Continue Reading →

Nature on something flat

What struck me most during the presentation was the breathtaking detail produced by artists with oil. Whenever I look at a piece of art, the ones that impact me the most are those that are most realistic and detailed. I… Continue Reading →

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