Who is ultimately in charge?

Tag painting

Representation of the Real World–More than just the mechanics of painting

Mimesis–the mimicry or imitation of the real world in art (a representation of our planet/nature)–was a topic that interested me. As a hobby, I like painting and drawing during my free time, and when I do, it is often of… Continue Reading →

The Reality of Religious Paintings

This week’s lecture caused me to question the nature of religious reality with regards to painted portrayals of religious events. Part of mimesis, the portrayal of the natural world through a medium such as painting, has something to do with… Continue Reading →

Poetry and Painting

One thing that I found very interesting from this presentation was the comparison of poetry and painting. I had honestly not ever put any thought into the similarities and differences between poetry and painting. I think that if someone had… Continue Reading →

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