Who is ultimately in charge?

Tag nature

Humans In Space: The Last Frontier

The speaker’s talk was focused on the prospects of human exploration of space. In his talk he outlined a number of issues with Space Exploration. He also suggests a plan that should guide our future extra-terrestrial expeditions.

Tick Tock

They say everything comes at a price, and I would certainly agree especially when it comes to asking questions. For a while now, humans have been asking themselves, “Can we be as good or better than nature?”. The price of… Continue Reading →

Final Post

First off, everyone’s poster was really well done. The students picked something that interested them and all showed a distinct line between humans and nature. One of the most eye-grabbing posters was the one done by Rachel Bird. “From Cave… Continue Reading →

Stadiums and Instagram: Human/Nature?

As I perused the posters and listened to student’s discuss their ideas, I was intrigued by the creativity in a handful of the presentations. For example, I found the idea of using stadium’s as representative of the “slash” in human/nature… Continue Reading →

Self Control

Plastic surgery became extremely popular at the beginning of the new millennium. Popular culture glamorized the gruesome process in such a way that it became appealing to many people across the country. In many advertisements seen in the lecture, plastic… Continue Reading →


This week’s lecture brought up some especially important things to consider regarding the anthropocene. It was interesting to think about how humans frequently consider themselves the center of cosmic drama when, in fact, we are not. It is this belief… Continue Reading →

The Neo-Avant Guarde

I loved last Tuesday’s talk about the Italian neo-avant guarde, exploring the relationship between nature and the Italian literature in the time of the avant-guarde. It seemed that the Avant-guarde wanted to wreak havoc, and had a sort of separation… Continue Reading →

Rethinking Nature

In this week’s lecture, Cavatora explained the importance of nature in the Italian neo avant-garde literary movement. Previously, imagery and metaphor in Italian poetry had not focused on nature nearly as much as they did during the 1960s movement. Neo… Continue Reading →

Antiquity: Magic and Nature

It was interesting to see that much of nature in ancient roman times was tied to magic, love, or war. In nature, there were nymphs that were a part of trees, nature itself, and were more seductive creatures. Enchantresses/witches like Circa… Continue Reading →

Dominating the natural world

This lecture shed light on the numerous ways in which humans have attempted to dominate nature. Since ancient times, humans have engaged in hunting, for example, and still do today. Such an endeavor functions as a form of dominion over… Continue Reading →

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