I found several topics that overlapped between the talk about futurism and violence and Ana’s talk about Military Patients and Medical Power in WWI that I thought would be interesting to discuss. In the lecture on futurism, Professor Rizzo mentioned… Continue Reading →
Initially, I was baffled by professor Gianluca Rizzo’s description of Futurism. It seemed unthinkable that someone would advocate for violent war as a way to create utopia. Parts of Futurism – the emphasis on fighting blandness, the wacky clothing –… Continue Reading →
Machines will kill you, and it will kill nature, and it will destroy all land known to man. The futurists wanted this destruction caused to nature, believing that machines were more preferable, and that men with war scars, injured or… Continue Reading →
In 1908, Marinetti (how also liked to call himself the “caffeine of Europe”) initiated the movement of Futurism by published the “Manifesto of Futurism”, in which he rejects all practices of how nature has been viewed before and highlights the importance of industry, machines,… Continue Reading →
It seems that man has always wondered about what the future holds. Even today, we look forward with curiosity regarding what is to come. So, what does the future entail? War, the reinvention of nature, and the absence of pasta,… Continue Reading →
After Ana Carden-Coyne’s gripping analysis of the physical, emotional, and political effects of wounds during World War I, I found myself fascinated by the role of gender in triage. In medical wards, injured men maintained a compulsory silence through pain,… Continue Reading →
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