This year’s Southworth Symposium series revolved around the Culture of Nature as depicted in garden design. The symposium featured historians, landscape architects, and the like, studying various locations around the world: the Middle East, Asia, Europe and America. Each of the… Continue Reading →
I enjoyed listening to the series of lectures that explored several different types of gardens and learning about the history behind the gardens in each of the different countries. The topic on gardens was an interesting one to consider in… Continue Reading →
During the Ming dynasty in the 17th century, China underwent many social and cultural changes due to the sudden influx of silver from South America. Social mobility consequently led to an increase in population and the expansion of the educated… Continue Reading →
This past Saturday, I was lucky enough to go to part of the garden conference held here at Colby. I went to the first talk, an exploration of gardens in India during the Mughal Empire. To modern Americans, “garden,” generally… Continue Reading →
The garden conference last Saturday was amazing!! It was really interesting to learn about gardens and garden designs in the Ming Dynasty, during the 15th century, and the turn it took in 17th century China. Garden designs began in the… Continue Reading →
3:00–4:00pm Anna Marley, Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts “The Garden as Picture: Impressionism, Progressivism and the American Garden Movement” Author’s abstract: Dr. Marley’s recent exhibition and publication The Artist’s Garden: American Impressionism and the Garden Movement, explores the intertwining… Continue Reading →
2:00–3:00 pm Eric Haskell, Scripps College “Sites of Seduction: French Folly Gardens of the Eighteenth Century” Author’s abstract: The aesthetic frames of exoticism, the essential configurations of eroticism, and the illicit intentions of dangerous liaisons are the focus of this… Continue Reading →
Southworth Lecture #2 11:15–12:15am Alison Hardie, University of Leeds “Professional Garden Designers and the Aesthetic Turn in 17th C China” Author’s abstract: In the late Ming dynasty (mid-sixteenth to mid-seventeenth centuries), the concept of the garden changed from being a… Continue Reading →
Southworth lecture #1 10:15–11:15am Nov. 7, 2015 James L. Wescoat Jr, Massachusetts Institute of Technology “The Poetics of Mughal Gardens and Subahs in the Akbarnama” Author’s abstract: Of the many fragmentary sources on Mughal gardens during the reign of the… Continue Reading →
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