Italian poetry in the 60’s was a dynamic movement called the neo-avant-garde. A group of poets developed new and startling way of writing that causes the reader to take active participation in order to create an understanding of the work. An example of this type of writing was A Fragmented Wor(l)d. It is an extremely confusing piece of literature and a great example of neo-avant-garde writing. In life, people are bombarded by information and neo-avant-garde writing does its best to reflect this confusion. The reader of this type of poem has to really think about what he/she is reading and ask him/herself questions such as, “what am I looking for?” and “what does this poem mean?”. This is made difficult by the schizomorphic form the words are written in. The words are layered in order to best emulate the way voices are speaking at the same time in real life, and this goes back to the poet wanting his poem to reflect the confusion of real life. Neo-avant-garde poets were also concerned with the sound of their poems. Beppe Cavatorta explained that Italian poetry in the 1960s and 1970s created new poems and techniques by taking old poems, pulling them apart, and recreating them into something entirely new, different, inquisitive, and beautiful.