Tonight’s lecture was a fascinating exploration into the history of refrigeration. There were a lot of interesting outcomes that persisted as a result of the advent of refrigeration that I had never thought of. Among the interesting side effects, we can see the growth in the average weight of males due to the fact that we can now keep more fresh meat on hand, expectations of fresher fruit and vegetables, and even different tasting orange juice by brand. The explanation of how orange juice is stored with refrigeration was definitely the most interesting ti me. We were told that the juice is initially created and then separated from its natural pulp, vitamins, and oils. After that, the remaining “juice” can be stored at exactly 32 degrees, between freezing and liquid, for about two months before it starts to go bad. When it is time for the juice to be distributed, the flavor that was taken out needs to be put back in, but each juice company has a bit of a different way that they go about achieving that task. Because of this, each major juice company’s juice has a bit of a different taste. I’ve never realized that this is the definition of storing by concentrate, but now it makes a lot more sense to me.