One aspect of this week’s lecture that I found particularly interesting was the mention of museum exhibits and curating the Anthropocene. Because we are currently creating the Anthropocene, the way we portray it to ourselves could have quite an impact on its future development. In a museum exhibit, the curators are able to choose which aspects of the Anthropocene to display, giving them a measure of control over public perceptions of what the Anthropocene is and the impacts it can have. Humans are affecting the climate and the environment at large through the development of a modern lifestyle that requires a lot of energy to live out. Studying our current impact and sharing it with a larger audience could potentially shift the direction of our future impact on the planet, depending on the tone in which exhibits are presented. If the development of the Anthropocene is presented from an environmental standpoint, people will probably leave the exhibits focused on this issue with a different view of it than if the exhibits are purely historical, focusing on the past development of the Anthropocene, or purely futuristic, exploring the potential technologies that we could develop for the future. Studying and sharing the impact of the Anthropocene as it currently exists could lead to some interesting changes in the way we are influencing our environment, or it could lead to no changes at all, depending on how people react to the concept of the Anthropocene and our role in its creation.