Marie Krysinska (1857-1908) – biographie
Et cependant que ses beaux flancs nus,
Ignorants de leurs prodigieuses destinées.
Dorment paisibles et par leurs grâces émerveillent…
– « Ève, » Rythmes pittoresques (1890)
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Mme Marie Krysinska, dans la littèrature, occupera une place toute particulière, car personne, à moins de la plagier, ne pourra l’imiter . . .
– Fernand Hauser, Simple Revue,1894
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Marie Anastasie Vincentine Krysinska—the French spelling of Maria Anastazja Wincentyna Krysinska–was born on 22 January 1857, in Warsaw, Poland. Daughter of a well-known Warsaw layer, she went to Paris at a young age to pursue studies in music at the Conservatoire National de Musique. She quickly abandoned her formal studies. […] The only active female member of the group “Hydropathes,” Krysinska moved in several literary circles, known as “Zutistes,” “Hirsutes,” and “Jemenfoutistes” until the beginning of the Chat Noir Cabaret, when she served as an accompanist and was able to integrate her musical training with the poems she heard recited and sung before her. […] Starting from the first year publication of Le chat noir in 1882, Krysinska published poems, including her first free-verse poems, in various literary literary reviews. She married painter Georges Bellenger on 1 October 1885 and her literary production ceased during their two trips to the United States. […] All told, in addition to her publications in numerous literary reviews, Krysinska published three volumes of poetry, one collection of short stories, three novels (one of which was in serial form), pieces of music, and numerous articles of art, music, and literary and social criticism.
– Seth Whidden, Marie Krysinska: A Bibliography, 2001.