Under Jewish law, metal and glass utensils (kelim) previously owned by non-Jews must undergo immersion in a mikvah. This form was created by the Beth Din of America (www.bethdin.org) to allow individuals who do not feel comfortable utilizing a kelim mikvah during the COVID-19 pandemic to sell kelim to a non-Jew and borrow them back to use for themselves. Since kelim owned by a non-Jew do not require immersion in a mikvah, this process allows for the use of the kelim without immersing them.

You should complete this form only after the kelim are in your possession. This form is primarily for kelim intended to be used prior to the onset of Pesach. For kelim that will not be used until yom tov begins, it is preferable to include them in the sale of chometz to a non-Jew that is more commonly performed.

The form below is legally binding as a situmta (halachically valid instrument due to its secular law validity) and supplemented by a cash downpayment (kinyan kesef) of at least a perutah (two cents) per person that will take place periodically during the period leading up to Pesach. The next kinyan kesef will take place on Wednesday, 4/1 at 3:00 pm (for forms submitted between 3/29 at 6:00 pm and prior to 4/1 at 2:00 pm), followed by Friday, 4/3 at 3:00 pm (for forms submitted between 4/1 at 2:00 pm and prior to 4/3 at 2:00 pm), Sunday, 4/5 at 6:00 pm (for forms submitted between 4/3 at 2:00 pm and prior to 4/5 at 5:00 pm), Monday, 4/6 at 6:00 pm (for forms submitted between 4/5 at 5:00 pm and prior to 4/6 at 5:00 pm), Tuesday, 4/7 at 6:00 pm (for forms submitted between 4/6 at 5:00 pm and prior to 4/7 at 5:00 pm) and Wednesday, 4/8 at 3:00 pm (for forms submitted between 4/7 at 5:00 pm and prior to 4/8 at 2:00 pm) (all times are standard New York time). The proceeds of the sale will be held in trust for you by Rabbi Shlomo Weissmann (menahel of the Beth Din of America). Once you have signed the form below, you should not use the kelim until after the occurrence of the next kinyan kesef.

The kelim will be purchased back from the non-Jew at a later date. After that time, since this sale mechanism is only to be used bisha’as hadechak (in an extraordinary circumstance) such as the present situation, you should immerse your kelim in a mikvah once it is safe to do so. When the date for the repurchase is established you will be notified by email so that you can properly immerse your kelim in a mikvah at that time.

Best wishes for a safe, healthy and kosher Pesach.

Form Fields:

* Required

First and Last Name *
Email address *
Description of Kelim (e.g. AmazonBasics 8 piece non-stick cookware set) *
Location of Kelim (e.g. 123 Main Road, Teaneck, NJ) *
Approximate market value of the kelim you are selling: *
I hereby convey, transfer and assign to [deleted for privacy] the personal property described above (the “Personal Property”), effective immediately upon my signing and submitting this instrument, subject to the understanding, unless I am informed otherwise, that [deleted for privacy] grants me an exclusive right to borrow the utensils from him following the sale. *