Maine Together in Faith statement (September 15, 2020)

World Council of Churches: Overcoming the COVID-19 pandemic with faith communities: some guidance for churches (March 21, 2020)

Disciples of Christ

James Pence, Pleasant Grove Christian Church (Martinsville, Va.): To wear a mask is to follow Scripture (July 30, 2020)

Episcopalian/Church of England

The Church of England: COVID-19 advice for conducting funerals (October 16, 2020)

Jocelyn Downey: Why Christians need to say ‘yes!’ to a Covid vaccine (December 2, 2020)

Episcopal Archdiocese of New York: Returning to public worship (May 2020)

The Episcopal Church

The Episcopal Diocese of Maine


Concordia University Irvine: Loving our neighbor (undated, before June 2020)

Evangelical Lutheran Church in America

Hong Kong Mission: Ministry during an assembly ban (March 22, 2020)

Metropolitan New York Synod: Reopening our churches: How do we begin? (undated, May 2020?)

Massachusetts Council of Churches

Guide for Christian funerals during COVID19 (March 24, 2020)

12 Ideas of how to stay connected and faithful during a pandemic (undated, before March 12, 2020)


African Methodist Episcopal Church: Church preparation and response to potential pandemics (February 27, 2020)

Discipleship Ministries: A 2020 young people’s address: Response to COVID-19  (April 22, 2020)

Emory University: Resuming care filled worship and sacramental life (undated, before June 19, 2020)

Greater Northwest Area of the United Methodist Church

United Methodist Church

United Methodist Church Florida Conference: Pastoral resources for administering communion (undated, before April 22, 2020)

United Methodist Church New York Annual Conference: Doing pastoral ministry during Covid-19 (undated, Spring 2020)

Upper New York Conference of the United Methodist Church: Church reopening guidelines (June 25, 2020)

Virginia Conference


Important announcement to Seattle Presbytery Churches regarding worship and gatherings (March 6, 2020)

Beth McCaw, University of Dubuque Seminary: The Moveable Feast — Expanding worship from the church building into our homes and across the town (March 22, 2020)

Presbyterian Association of Musicians: Church music (May 21, 2020)

Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.)

Presbyterian Foundation: Stewardship in a pandemic (March 17, 2020)

Presbyterian Mission Agency

Transylvania Presbytery (Kentucky): Guidance for resuming in person worship (May 2020)

United Church of Christ

Maine Conference UCC: A Pastoral Letter: Resuming in-person church (May 4, 2020)

Rev. Matthew Crebbin, Newtown (Conn.) Congregational Church: Lessons from ministry in the midst of a disaster (March 18, 2020)

UCC (national): Pastoral considerations for mental health and wellness (June 5, 2020)