Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints
Administrative principles for challenging times (April 16, 2020)
Directions for essential ordinances, blessings, and other church functions (April 16, 2020, updated July 11)
Mask your face, don’t mask your heart (July 9, 2020)
Responding to COVID-19: Answers to questions (April 16, 2020)
Safely returning to church meetings and activities (May 19, 2020)
Archbishop Elpidophoros of America and the Eparchial Synod on the Covid-19 Pandemic (March 6, 2020)
What COVID-19 means for singing in church (May 19, 2020)
Statement Regarding Developments in Medicine: COVID-19 Vaccines & Immunizations (January 22, 2021)
Quakers (Religious Society of Friends)
Friends General Conference: Advices & queries for possibly reopening your meeting house or church (May 28, 2020; revised July 22, 2020)
New York Yearly Meeting’s Ministry Coordinating Committee: Gathering in worship (March 2020)
Quakers in Britain: Funerals, memorial meetings, and dying (undated, before November 2020)
Anna Woofenden: Increase Church: Cease in-person gatherings (for now) (March 12, 2020)