Under Jewish law, metal and glass utensils (kelim) previously owned by non-Jews must undergo immersion in a mikvah. This form was created by the Beth Din of America (www.bethdin.org) to allow individuals who do not feel comfortable utilizing a kelim mikvah during the COVID-19 pandemic to sell kelim to a non-Jew and borrow them back to use for themselves.… Read the rest
Day: March 29, 2020
It has been suggested to utilize Zoom in order to connect families during the Seder Night.
Aside from the Halachic problems, this would also create serious practical problems. It is far more likely that this would cause great distress, rather than peace of mind.… Read the rest
Originally published on theconversation.com
The coronavirus pandemic is challenging our health, work, family, food and fun. It’s also disturbing our peace of mind and forcing us to question our own existence.
We are each asking our own existential questions: Why is this happening to me?… Read the rest
Head of the Israeli Ohr Torah Stone network Rabbi Kenneth Brander states unequivocally that fighting the virus is more important than Jewish funeral rites
A leading Orthodox rabbi rules that Jewish communities in Europe should embrace cremation if their governments require it — and consider it a posthumous “mitzvah,” or fulfillment of a commandment, on the part of the deceased.… Read the rest