McNair to Hall: September 9, 1980
A note from McNair about this letter: Below is the text of the poem “The People Upstairs” as I sent it in this letter. The poem is a response to the footfall of tenants in our North Sutton farmhouse as they ascended the stairway to their upstairs apartment, and lived their lives above our heads.
The People Upstairs
each night
we hear them
ascending the stairs
deeper and deeper
into the floor
falling while rising
away from themselves
their weightless voices
drifting out
of earshot far
into the next world
o feet
forgotten servants
left out
of the conversation
of mind and hands
we hear you
under the desk
we understand
your great patience
and your
mystery moving
beyond the cloud
of ceiling carrying
the body dream
above our heads
the faint scream
of pipes dissolves
the corners of rooms
and feet walk past us
in space
free of the tables
lamps and chairs
which hold us here
dying of definition