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Conversations About Poems in Progress – Donald Hall

The following conversations about poems-in-progress are organized chronologically by letter under each poem title. Each link leads to a letter in which Hall and McNair critique and discuss potential improvements and edits to the poem in question.

Stone Walls
September 3, 1977
April 11, 1978

6 October 1980
April 26, 1980
May 1, 1980

April 26, 1980

April 26, 1980

The Glass
April 26, 1980
May 1, 1980

Fires for Tending
April 26, 1980
May 1, 1980

Whip Poor Will
April 26, 1980

The Day I Was Older
March 3, 1984
March 13, 1984
April 2, 1984
April 11, 1984
May 9, 1984
May 31, 1984

Six Naps in One Day
March 3, 1984

March 3, 1984
March 13, 1984

New Animals
March 3, 1984
March 13, 1984

The Granite State
March 3, 1984
March 13, 1984

Another Elegy
March 3, 1984
March 13, 1984
April 2, 1984

The Man in the Dead Machine
May 9, 1984
May 13, 1984
May 17, 1984
May 21, 1984

The Baseball Players
August 3, 1984

August 14, 1984

The Ragpicker’s Horse
August 14, 1984
August 16, 1984
August 18, 1984
August 21, 1984

A Walk in the West Country
August 14, 1984

Waking the Next Morning
August 14, 1984
August 16, 1984
August 18, 1984

August 14, 1984
August 16, 1984

My Friend Felix
August 14, 1984
August 16, 1984
August 18, 1984
August 21, 1984
August 24, 1984
August 28, 1984
August 30, 1984

Visiting Richard
August 14, 1984
August 16, 1984
August 18, 1984
August 21, 1984