Hall to McNair: February 20, 1984
Editorial note about this letter: “This one” turned out to be “The Day I was Older,” together with three other poems in progress.
Editorial note about this letter: “This one” turned out to be “The Day I was Older,” together with three other poems in progress.
Read The Last Time Shorty Towers Fetched the Cows (published version)
A note from McNair about this letter: In June of 1984 I returned to this poem and sent it to Don once more. His critique of that draft led to the poem’s completion. To read Don’s comments and see the published version, click here.
Editorial note about this letter: Green House is Jane Kenyon’s co-edited literary magazine.
Editorial about this letter: Begiebing is Robert Begiebing, a professor at New Hampshire College (now Southern New Hampshire University) who interviewed me at Don’s suggestion for The New Hampshire Times…. The Rayno article was written by Garry Rayno for The Argus Champion concerning my Devins Award…. The “rejections” of paragraph four are related to my job search.
Editorial note about this letter: This note arrived with the January 4 acceptance from The Atlantic.
Editorial note about this poem: After Peter Davison, poetry editor at The Atlantic Monthly, accepted “The Last Time Shorty Towers Fetched the Cows.” he suggested additional changes for the poem. The published version appears, together with an explaining letter, in the footnote for February 16, 1984.