McNair to Hall: January 21, 1984

Letter from McNair to Hall, January 21, 1984, Milne Special Collections and Archives, University of New Hampshire

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January 21, 1984
Dear Don,

A junk man myself, I’ve put the Jack Cooch
poem in a pile of others for later repair.

Also, I’ve contacted Begiebing by letter (yesterday),
since the article is not likely to be out til next month,
and probably late next month. I know he will do his
best with the change.

The news on the Carbondale position is that it has
not been funded. I may never hear from U/Denver
and U/Washington, the remaining holdouts. But I have
a feeling it’s time for a new campaign.

In the meantime, writing continues, misfires,
backfires and all!



A note from McNair about this letter: In June of 1984 I returned to this poem and sent it to Don once more. His critique of that draft led to the poem’s completion. To read Don’s comments and see the published version, click here.