Archive for the ‘King’ Category
Solids and Liquids – Making the Oceanographer Happy
Reading chapters 11 and 13
Intermolecular Forces:
London, dipole-dipole, hydrogen bonding, ion-dipole
Comparison of forces
Properties of Solids, Liquids, and Gases
Phase changes
Heating curves
Resources: hydrogen boding in biological structures, Chapter 11 Images 2018, Chapter 11 Notes, Chapter 13 Slides 2018, Chapter 13 notes
Third Exam and Review Session
Reminder: Exam 3 is Wednesday, Nov. 28. Exam Locations: Keyes 105, 102, 103, and 114.
Practice exams and their solutions can be found on the Sample Exam page. The relevant files are Practice Exam 3, Exam 3 (with answers) from 2016, and Practice Exam 3 2017. You are strongly encouraged to do these practice exams before Monday 11/26.
Exam information: Exam 3 will be held on Wed, Nov. 28 from 5:00-7:00 pm. You may work for the entire 2 hours, but the exam is expected to take most students 60 min. The exam will cover the class material from chapters 1-10 and laboratory material from up to and including experiment 9. Chapters 6-9 will be emphasized (Electronic Structure of Atoms through Molecular Geometries and Bonding Theories). Allowed exam items are pens/pencils and a course-approved calculator. You will be provided with a periodic table and equation sheet.
There will be an optional review session on Monday, 11/26 in Keyes 105 at 7 PM.
Week XI – Advanced Bonding – King
Reading: Chapter 9
Homework: Please see Mastering Chemistry
Molecular Shapes and VSEPR
Bond Strength and Energies
Valence Bond Theory
Molecular Orbitals – Wave Example I, Simple Wave II
Resources: Chapter 9 Slides, Chapter 9 Notes 2018, Chemical Education Molecule Viewer
Why we care about the shapes of Molecules –
Week X – Bonding – King
Reading: Chapter 8
Homework: Please see Mastering Chemistry
Ionic Bonding
Lattice Energies
Covalent Bonding
Lewis Structures
Bond Polarity and Electronegativity
Resources: Chapter 8 notes 2018, Chapter 8 slides
Viewing Molecules: Simple – ethanol, Complex – carbonic anhydrase
Week IX Periodic Trends – King
Reading: Chapter 7
Homework: Please see Mastering Chemistry
Periodic Table
Effective Nuclear Charge
Atom and Ion Size
Ionization Energy
Electron Affinity
Resources: Web Elements , Chapter 7 Notes 2018, Chapter 7 Slides
Week VIII – Atoms (King)
Reading: Chapter 6
Homework: Please see Mastering Chemistry
Energy is Quantized
Line Spectra and the Bohr Model
Wave nature of matter
Atomic Orbitals
Orbital Shapes
Electronic Configurations
Resources: Chapter 6 Images, Bohr, Schrodinger,
King Chapter 6 Notes- A, Bohr Calcs, Uncertianty, King Chapter 6 Notes- B
Week VI – Gases
Reading: Chapter 10
Lecture Outline:
Using Gas Laws
Partial Pressures
Kinetic Molecular Theory
Effusion and Diffusion
Real Gases
Resources: CO2 in the atmosphere, chapter 10 images, Gas Demo 1 (V vs P) 2016, Gas Simulation, King Chapter 10 Notes 2018,
Week V. 10/1/18 – Themochemistry
Reading: Chapter 5
Homework: Please see Mastering Chemistry
Lecture Outline:
System and Surroundings
State Functions
PV Work
First Law
Heats of Reaction
Notes:doc00335320181008073818, doc00334820181005071319, doc00332020181001072109,, Sodium Drop
Resources: Colby Biomass, Chapter 5 I slides, Heat Capacities, heats of formation, Per capita CO2 production
Week IV 9/24/2018. Reactions in Aqueous Solution
Please see the general post with Exam details.
Reading: Chapter 4 and chapter 20.2 (balancing REDOX reactions)
Homework: Please see Mastering Chemistry
Lecture Outline:
Properties of Aqueous Solutions
Precipitation Reactions
Acid/Base Reactions
Redox Reactions
Activity Series
Working with solution concentration
Solution Stoichiometry
Resources: Sucrose, electrolytes-I-2018 redox figures 2013, doc00330820180928074005
Week III. 9/17/2018. Stoichiometry
Reading: Chapter 3.
Homework: Please see Mastering Chemistry
Lecture Outline:
Balancing Chemical Equations
Formula and Molecular Weights
The Mole and Molar Mass
Molecular and Empirical Formulas
Using Balanced Equations and Limiting Reagents
For nomenclature help enter the chemical formula or name into your browser search field., air bag demo,