Week 13 Schedule: Section B

This week we will build off of the concepts of molecular structure, polarity,  and dipole moments to understand how intermolecular forces stick molecules to each other in the liquid and solid phases.  We will explain properties of liquids and solids as well as their phase changes from the intermolecular forces that occur between molecules.

Reminder: Exam #3 is on Wednesday.  More information can be found here.  There is a review session on Monday at 7pm.

Homework #12 will be due next week on Wed. December 5th.

Monday Lecture Materials: Lecture slides 11-26Class notes 11-26

Wednesday Lecture Materials: Lecture slides 11-28Lecture slides 11-28-With soln to PracticeClass notes 11-28

Viscosity and the Pitch Drop Experiment

Friday Lecture Materials: Lecture Slides 11-30

Surface Tension in Space:

Week 13 Mon 11/26 Tue 11/27 Wed 11/28 Thu 11/29 Fri 11/30
In Class Chapter 11 Chapter 11 Chapter 11
Learning Objectives Molecular Comparison of solids, liquids and gases. Relating molecular structure to intermolecular forces. Relating properties of liquids to their intermolecular forces. Structures and bonding of solids.
Topic Liquids and Intermolecular Forces Liquids and Intermolecular Forces Liquids and Intermolecular Forces
Outside of Class
Homework Work on Homework #12
Reading 1st read of chapter 11 2nd read of chapter 11
Other Things to Remember Review Session 5pm-7pm Keyes 105 3rd Exam is Tonight from 5-7pm in Keyes 105 Office hours 1:00-2:30pm
Practice Problems 11.12, 11.15, 11.17, 11.21, 11.22 11.29, 11.32, 11.37, 11.39, 11.45 11.51, 11.55, 11.59, 11.61, 11.71