Archive for December, 2018

The Final Exam

The CH141 exam will be on Monday, 12/17 at 1:30 -4:30 PM.   We will use the same Keyes first floor classrooms for the exam.   You may work for the entire 3 hours, but the exam is expected to take most students 120 min.  The exam will cover all class and laboratory materials and we will use the same format as the hour exams.   Allowed exam items are pens/pencils and a course-approved calculator. You will be provided with a periodic table and equation sheet.   You may bring snacks and a water bottle.

There will be an optional review session on Sunday, 12/16 in Keyes 105 at 4 PM.

There will also be office hours from 1-2pm Monday, 12/10 through Friday, 12/14.  On Monday and Tuesday Prof. Madison will be in the Chem Help Center (Keyes 104). On Wednesday through Friday, come to her office (Keyes 314).

Practice exams are posted on our web page.  The Final Exam Equation Sheet is available as well.


Week 14 Schedule: Section B

In our last week of classes we will be building on our understanding of intermolecular forces to investigate why solutions have the properties that they do.  Why are some solids insoluble while others readily dissolve? Why do cold beverages stay carbonated better than warm ones?  How can we use properties of solutions to make frozen ice cream?

Homework #12 is due on Wednesday.  Additional practice problems will be posted on Mastering Chemistry to give you a chance to practice the material covered in chapter 13.

Monday Lecture Material: Lecture Slides 12-3Class notes 12-3

Wednesday Lecture Material: Lecture Slides 12-5class notes 12-5

Friday Lecture Material: Lecture Slides 12-7class notes 12-7, Answer to the Challenge Problem from 12-7

Additional Resources: The downside to salting our roads

Week 14 Sat 12/2, Sun 12/3 Mon 12/3 Tue 12/4 Wed 12/5 Thu 12/6 Fri 12/7
In Class Chapter 13 Chapter 13 Chapter 13 and Chapter 12
Learning Objectives Relate intermolecular forces to properties of solutions Do calculations related to colligative properties. Describe structures of solids and relate their structures to the properties
Topic Properties of Solutions Properties of Solutions Applications and Modern Materials
Outside of Class
Homework Work on HW #12 Finish HW#12 Homework #12 is due at 11:59pm
Reading 1st Read of Chapter 13 2nd Read of Chapter 13
Other Things to Remember Office Hours 2:30-4:00 Office Hours 1:00-2:30
Practice Problems 13.2, 13.7, 13.15, 13.17, 13.29, 13.27 13.39, 13.51, 13.61, 13.63, 13.69, 13.75 13.85