Exam and Review Session
Review session for first exam is on Sunday at 7 PM in Keyes 5.
Reminder: Exam 1 is Monday, Oct. 1st! Exam Locations: Last name A-M in Keyes 105. Last name N-Z in rooms 102 and 103, and 114.
A practice exam can be found on the “Sample Exams” section of the course website. The relevant files are Practice Exam 1, Answers to Practice Exam 1 , and Exam 1 from 2016.
Exam information: Exam 1 will be held on Monday, October 1st from 5:00-7:00 pm. You may work for the entire 2 hours, but the exam is expected to take most students 60 min. The exam will cover the class material from chapters 1-3, chapter 4 sections 1-2 and 5-6 (note: titrations from section 6 will not be tested), and laboratory material from experiments 1-3. Allowed exam items are pens/pencils and a course-approved calculator. You will be provided with a periodic table. There will be an optional review session on Sunday, September 30 starting at 7:00 pm in Keyes 105.