Editorials, Book Reviews, etc.

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Publications with Students

  • BOLD indicates Graduate Student co-author
  • BOLD ITALICS indicates Undergraduate Student co-author
    • Gastaldo, R.A., Savrda, C.E., and Lewis, R.D., 2004, Deciphering Earth History: Understanding Earths Deep Past: Contemporary Publishing Company of Raleigh Inc., 3rd Edition. 265 p.
    • Gastaldo, R.A., 2004, A View of Non-Analog Worlds: Review of Knoll, A.H., 2004, Life on a Young Planet: The First Three Billion Years of Evolution on Earth: American Journal of Botany, v. 91, p. 294-312.
    • Tackaberry, W.J., Rueger, B.F., and Gastaldo, R.A., 2004, Spittal Pond, Bermuda: Implications for Holocene Sea Level Change: in Lewis, R.D., and Panusak, B., eds., 11th Symposium on the Geology of the Bahamas and Other Carbonate Regions 2002, Gerace Research Center, San Salvador, Bahamas, p. 187-204.
    • Gastaldo, R.A., and Savrda, C.E., 2002, MEET THE NEW BOSS; SAME AS THE OLD BOSS? The Who We Wont Get Fooled Again, 1971: PALAIOS, v. 17, no. 3, p. 223-224.
    • Gastaldo, R.A., 1999, Private, State, Federal and Reservation Laws Governing Collection of Fossils in the United States of America: in Jones, T.P. and Rowe, N.P., eds., Fossil Plants and Spores: Modern Techniques: Geological Society, London, p. 330-338.
    • Gastaldo, R.A. Ashley, G., Lane, H.R., Macleod, N., O’Neill, N.J., and Wang Cheng-Yuan, 1998, AFTERTHOUGHT: Paleontology in The 21st Century: An International Workshop: PALAIOS, v. 13, p. 87-90.
    • Gastaldo, R.A., 1997, COLLECTING the NATURAL WORLD: Legal Requirements & Personal Liability for Collecting Plants, Animals, Rocks, Minerals & Fossils. Geoscience Press, Inc., Tucson, AZ: PALAIOS, v. 12, p. 501. (Book Review).
    • Gastaldo, R.A. and Sarvda, C.E., 1997, ONLINE: Regime, Rumors, Realities, and Remedies: PALAIOS, v. 12, p. 1.
    • Gastaldo, R.A. and Savrda, C.E., 1996, ONLINE: Changing of the Guard: PALAIOS, v. 11, p. 95-96.
    • Gastaldo, R.A., 1990, ONLINE – Sticks & Mud: Perspectives for the 90’s: PALAIOS, v. 5, p. 201-202.
    • Gastaldo, R.A., 1987, SEPM session explores new frontiers in plant Taphonomy. PALAIOS, v.2, p. 107-109.
    • Gastaldo, R.A., 1982, Paleobotanical Studies in Alabama: 1845-1980. Geological Survey of Alabama, Circular 106, p. 1-21. (dated 1981).