Published abstracts are listed, and downloadable reprints of these publications are available where indicated.
  1. Anna K. Randall (2001) Emerging Paradigms of Granite Genesis: Incorporation in K-12 Geoscience Education.  This project became a module in The Rock Detective, a national K-12 Geology Education Program.
    • Randall, A.K., and Deike, R., 2000, Emerging Paradigms of Granite Genesis: Incorporation in K-12 Geoscience Education: Geological Society of America, Abstracts with Program, v. 33, no. 1, p. A75.
  2. Logan Perkins (2001) A Case Study of Geoscience Education and Assessment: Designing and Implementing a Geologic Mapping Class for Students with no Prior Geology Knowledge.
    • Perkins, L.E., and Deike, R., 2000, A Case Study of Geoscience Education and Assessment: Designing and Implementing a Geologic Mapping Class for Students with no Prior Geology Knowledge: Geological Society of America, Abstracts with Program, v. 33, no. 1, p. A75.
  3. Sarah E. Dunham (2005)  Rock Detective: Introduction to Kaolin for Grades K-12. This project became a module in The Rock Detective, a national K-12 Geology Education Program.
    • Dunham, S.E., Deike, R., and Gastaldo, R.A., 2004, Rock Detective’s Introduction to Kaolin for Grades K-12: GSA Abstracts with Program, v. 36, n. 5, p. 216.
  4. Janet Weidner (2007)  Rock Detective: Introduction to Whale Ear Bone Fossils for Grades K-12. This project became a module in The Rock Detective.
    • Weidner, J., Gastaldo, R.A., and Deike, R., 2006, Rock Detective’s Introduction to Whale Ear Bone Fossils for Grades K-12: Geological Society of America, Abstracts with Program, v. 38, n. 7, p.
  5. Elizabeth Eaton (2010) An Exploration of Coastal Geology and Processes – Tabor Academy Summer Program Curriculum 2009.