Am using this awful stationary
to tell you that (1) everything
at Marietta C. went extraordinarily
well (about which, more later) and that
(2) I have talked folks here into
a Donald Hall reading for either
April 5 or April 11 –
depending on your druthers.
Payment for the reading is
$800 – some class visitations –
two, perhaps- would be involved.
Can you let me know
if this last seems OK.
P.S. – Our dinner for you &
Jane (& others) seems right
for two weeks from now. I’ll
give you a date soon – Hope
all is well with you both.
PPS – Just talked to Carl,
who says April 11 would be
the best date for the reading,
but suit yourself.
A note from McNair about this letter:The “Carl” of this letter is Carl Cochran, chair of the Colby-Sawyer College English department.