More about the call I made to Pralle: I gave him your
phone number–and, in case I wasn’t clear in my
conversation with you, he did agree he should call
you soon. I hope that by the time you get this, he has called. What he meant by getting what he called
a “precis” from you to show the governor, I couldn’t
guess. I assume he meant “resume”, as if you needed to present anything of the kind!
I am delighted about the Colby-Sawyer thing.
I’m not on the honorary degrees committee, but
I’ve been lobbying (for you) and passing information along
to faculty members who are on the committee for
the past couple of years anyway. It has bothered
me that they’ve been so stuck on giving honorary
degrees to women, they’ve failed to see how obvious
you are as a choice. You’ve been on the list
of possibilities for some time now, in fact; thus,
I’ve felt that eventually you’d be chosen, and
I was hoping for this year. I’m very glad
it has finally happened.
I do hope your time with your mother goes well.
How lucky you are to be able to be with her
for a couple of weeks! Needless to say, we will
be thinking hopeful thoughts about all three
of you for the next few days!
A note from McNair about this letter: Pralle is the head of the New Hampshire Poetry society, also in charge of finding a state poet laureate to replace Richard Eberhart, now at the end of his term. Pralle left a message with Diane to return his call, and when I did, he asked for a “precis”–meaning resume–wondering why Don had waited this long to send one.