McNair to Hall: July 6, 1977


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July 6, 1977

Dear Don,

During the next academic year, the American Studies program
at Colby-Sawyer will sponsor a small lecture series called “The
Rufus Porter Lectures in American Studies”. The students and faculty
connected with the program have chosen you as one of the lecturers
in that series. Given your developing repertoire of anecdotes about
nineteenth-century American literary figures, we would very much
like you to share some of your favorite such anecdotes with our
American studies majors and other interested members of the CSC
community. (The audience will be relatively small — probably 25-40

The honorarium for each of the Rufus Porter Lectures is $75.00- –
not enough, I know, for your services, but as much as our small
program budget will allow us to pay. Should you elect to participate
in the series, we would like you to give your lecture on November
10, at 8:00 PM in James House.

I’d appreciate your letting me know as soon as possible
whether you’re interested in being one of our lecturers. Needless
to say, we’d feel honored if you’d come.



(Co-ordinator of American Studies)