Dictated: 3 July, 1981
Typed: 7 July, 1981
2896 Newport
Ann Arbor, Michigan 48103
Wes McNair
Box 43
North Sutton, New Hampshire 03260
Dear Wes,
The stationery tells a lie. I am dictating this in a cellar in Ann
Arbor on July 3, and I will mail it out to Pacific Palisades, where an
old helper/typist/assistant of mine now lives, who will type it and mail
it from there, without me having read it. Don’t think this is too strange:
just be grateful I did not try my handwriting on you!
Well, I am so sorry about Diane. Everything will be all right I
realize—but that is a lot of time to wait. And in the meantime, I reckon
she has to miss the longed-for potting this summer. What a shame.
Yes, you know why we are out here. Jane was here two weeks without
me, but neither of us could stand that. She came back for a week, and
then we drove out here, and I believe that we will stay here until the
end. I loaded the car up with six months of work, etc., and we
will manage.
Do keep in touch. Danbury forwards mail so that it gets here in
about 48 hours. Good people. But you might as well write us here.
2896 Newport/Ann Arbor, Michigan 48103.
Love to you both as ever,
(Donald Hall)
Dictated but not read