Day: April 2, 2020

FCNA: Is an Interest-Bearing Loan announced by US Government under CARES Act Permissible according to Shari’ah?

The Unites States government passed the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act [CARES Act] on March 26, 2020 which allocated $2 trillion to help the country recover from the effects of the novel Coronavirus Disease 2019 [COVID-19]. This act includes loans for major industries and small businesses impacted by the coronavirus.… Read the rest

Orthodox Union: COVID-19 and the Mikvah

We are writing with the guidance of our Poskim, Harav Hershel Schachter שליט״א, Harav Asher Weiss שליט״א, and Harav Modechai Willig שליט״א, concerning the issue of Mikvah use during the current pandemic.

While the unfailing dedication of Jewish women to this practice is profoundly inspiring, we must address its safety with the utmost seriousness, both for the sake of public health, and to allay fears.… Read the rest

האם אפשר להצטרף למניין דרך מרפסות? / הראש”ל הרב יצחק יוסף

עם הוראות משרד הבריאות שאין להתפלל בציבור ופסק הרבנים להישמע להם, הרבה מעם ישראל החלו להתפלל במרפסות, ולצרף אליהם אנשים שונים שגם הם נמצאים במרפסת אחרת (מה שמכונה “מניין מרפסות”), הדבר מאפשר להם להתפלל לכאורה בציבור וגם לשמור על הנחיות משרד הבריאות.… Read the rest

Community engagement and COVID-19

What does loving your neighbor look like during this Covid-19 season? In Luke 10, when Jesus sends out the 72 to all the towns where Jesus himself was planning to visit in the near future, he tells them to do very practical, everyday things (eat and drink with them; pray for them; heal the sick; remain with them), all in the posture of one who is bringing the peace of God and proclaiming that the kingdom of God is near.… Read the rest