While nearly every time is challenging to be a pastor, the current pandemic has made pastoring an even greater challenge. However, with challenges come opportunities. As old ways of pastoring are being eliminated or restricted, we need to be open to creating and embracing new ways of pastoring.
Month: May 2020 (Page 1 of 7)
Within the months that coronavirus has swept across the globe, communities have been injured, spirits strained, countless have lost loved ones, and countless others have been risking their lives daily to ensure the safety and care of the rest of us.… Read the rest
Most Rev. Anthony Fisher, Archdiocese of Sydney: Further Relaxation of Restrictions in the Light of Pentecost (May 29, 2020)… Read the rest
An Urgent Call from the Moetzes Gedolei HaTorah:
The Hand of Hashem has struck us twice, with a terrible pandemic and a difficult decree, incomparable to anything in recent memory: a plague in which thousands of our brethren fell, among whom were great Torah scholars and community leaders; and by being removed from Hashem’s Presence by having shuls and batei medrash closed around the world.… Read the rest
Prepared by Rabbi Robert Scheinberg.
Please note that this is not an official responsum of the CJLS.
Because of the potential of the release of dangerous levels of aerosols in the act of Shofar blowing, many communities are contemplating ways to do Shofar blowing outdoors and for smaller groups.… Read the rest
Prepared by Rabbi Pamela Barmash and Hazzan Scott Sokol.
Please note that this is not an official responsum of the CJLS.
Shiru lAdomai shir hadash
The choral tradition is one with deep roots in Jewish musico-liturgical practice. From the time of the Levites in the Beit Mikdash (Jerusalem Temple) to the present, choral music has enhanced Jewish worship.… Read the rest
Prepared by Rabbi Pamela Barmash and Toby Schonfeld, Ph.D.
Please note that this is not an official responsum of the CJLS.
Our need for community is even greater during this time of pandemic and physical distancing, and even though holding davenning in person as a community poses a significant challenge, our role as klei kodesh and the needs of our communities for being together, even with physical distancing, call for us to rise to the occasion, where governmental and medical authorities allow, and where the architecture of our prayer spaces permit.… Read the rest