Diocese of Albany: 2020 Christmas Mass Guidelines (October 7, 2020)… Read the rest
Author: eyjeon24
Guidelines for the Sacrament of Confirmation (June 14, 2020)… Read the rest
Guidelines on the Conferral of Holy Order (June 14, 2020)… Read the rest
Guidelines for Baptism (June 11, 2020)… Read the rest
While nearly every time is challenging to be a pastor, the current pandemic has made pastoring an even greater challenge. However, with challenges come opportunities. As old ways of pastoring are being eliminated or restricted, we need to be open to creating and embracing new ways of pastoring.
Garden Grove, Calif., (May 22, 2020) – The Diocese of Orange announced today that public Masses can begin in Orange County on the solemnity of Corpus Christi, Sunday, June 14 (including Saturday June 13 Vigil Masses) in a phased-in approach with measures in place to safeguard public health.… Read the rest
What follows is a series of recommended sacramental guidelines for archdiocesan parishes as we foresee a return to public worship in the forthcoming weeks and months. It is anticipated that the reopening of our churches and the resumption of the public celebration of the sacraments will be a gradual process marked in phases:
Phase I – Churches Open for Private Prayer and Confessions
Phase II – Celebration of Baptisms and Marriages (limited to 10 attendees)
Phase III – Celebration of the Rite of Distributing Holy Communion Outside of Mass
Phase IV – Celebration of Daily and Funeral Masses with Limited Attendance
Phase V – Celebration of Sunday Mass with Supervised Attendance
Resumption of Full Parish Mass Schedules and Sacramental Activities
Commencement dates and a detailed description of each phase will be announced by the Vicar General’s Office in the coming weeks, in consultation with health and government officials and in consideration of current health metrics.… Read the rest
Guidelines for Anointing of the Sick (May 1, 2020)
Guidelines for the Sacrament of Confession (April 6, 2020)… Read the rest