McNair to Hall: June 13, 1983

Letter from McNair to Hall, June 13, 1983, Milne Special Collections and Archives, University of New Hampshire

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June 13, 1983

Dear Don,

Thank you, thank you for your note about the Poetry
acceptances. You’ve made my day.

Your note arrived just as I heard (belatedly)
about your being chosen for the Hale medal.
I am very pleased for you, especially since Frost got
it first. There’s nobody who deserves it more.

The poem Iowa took is “The Longing of the Feet”…
About the definiteness of the CMU connection. All
I can say is that Jerry Costanzo seems serious,
but has himself mentioned that I should
continue sending it elsewhere until September.

So I guess you should continue sending it.

Best to you both–and to Jane–
