McNair to Hall: January 2, 1984

Letter from McNair to Hall, January 2, 1983, Page 1, Milne Special Collections and Archives, University of New Hampshire

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January 2, 1983 (misdated: should be 1984)

Dear Don,

The letter to Robert Richman (such trouble he must
have with that name!) is off, promising work
soon from the redoubtable Mr. Amaryllis.

How wonderful about Jane’s success with
publication—and your own. What neighbors
to live with! I am about to start my January
writing—now with renewed vigor.

I have gotten rid of 160 books—
most of them sold. Am about to order more.
I didn’t expect to have such luck. I should
introduce a line of tomato relish.

Have written all follow-up notes and letters
to the U/Missouri Press for the wonderful trip
Diane and I had—and of course I mentioned
you as judge—this after your OK of the
last letter. I do hope to be able to light
just one firecracker for you—because of all
yours for me, and because they would not do
better in their search for a judge!



PS. Forgot to mention: I did have a complimentary
copy of The Faces sent to Robert Richman.
For you and Joey to know.

A note from McNair about this letter: Robert Richman is the editor of The New Criterion, who asked to see poems of mine at Don’s suggestion….In remarking about Jane’s and Don’s success with publication, I refer to their acceptances by magazine editors, mentioned in previous letters.