McNair to Hall: February 14, 1983

Letter from McNair to Hall, February 14, 1983, Milne Special Collections and Archives, University of New Hampshire

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February 14, 1983

Dear Don,

Do you think this poem is better
with the word “begun” in line 7,
to prepare the reader for the double negatives
(mistaken verbs) on p. 2?

If you do, please tell Joey that
next time the poem goes out (if it’s
in the mail now), he might send this
very slightly revised version.

Thank you.



I am in good company in the February poetry–!
Just got my copy today & found, as you said
I would, poems by Jane Kenyon!

A note from McNair about this letter: The poem referred to in this letter is “When Paul Flew Away,” with one final change.