Week 2: Chem 141 B Schedule

Here is our schedule for the week of 9/8 to 9/14.

Note: Assignments are due on Sunday and Monday evenings at midnight.  Check Mastering Chemistry for more details!

Monday Lecture Materials: Ch141_9-10-2018-slideshowLecture Outline 9-10-2018Class notes 9-10

Wednesday Lecture Materials: Ch141_9-12-2018-slideshowLecture Outline 9-12-2018Class-Notes-9-12

Friday Lecture Materials: Ch141_9-14-2018-slideshowLecture Notes 9-14Class notes 9-14

Lecture slides and notes will be posted here throughout the week.

Week 2 Sat 9/8, Sun 9/9 Mon 9/10 Tue 9/11 Wed 9/12 Thu 9/13 Fri 9/14
In Class Chapter 2 Chapter 2 Chapter 2
Learning Objs. To understand the basic structure of the atom and its subatomic particles. Quantitative problem solving. Relate the organization of the periodic table to properties. To learn to communicate using the nomenclature used by chemists
Topic Atoms, Molecules, and Ions Atoms, Molecules, and Ions Atoms, Molecules, and Ions
Activities Warm-up, Build scaled-up model of an H atom Think-Pair-Share quantative practice problems, Cathode Ray Tube Self assessment of study strategies
Outside of Class
Homework ***Colby Chemistry Assessment (Diagnostic Quiz) on Mastering Chemistry is Due at 11:59*** ***Introduction to Mastering Chemistry is due at 11:59*** Start HW #2 Work on HW #2
Reading 1st Read of Chap 2 2nd read of Chap 2
Other Things to Remember Lab starts this week! More Information. (Scroll down to table) Office Hours: 2:30-4:00 Keyes 314 Office Hours: 1:00-2:30 Keyes 314
Practice Problems 1.13, 1.15, 1.23, 1.29, 1.39, 1.60 1.47, 2.13, 2.19 2.15, 2.29, 2.41 2.47 2.65, 2.67, 2.77, 2.83