This lecture examines the role of the 17th C Scientific Revolution (as well as generic scientific revolutions) as a master narrative in the history of science (from George Sarton to Thomas Kuhn) focusing on an approach that called for the use of quantitative methods. The protagonists of this approach, such as J.D. Bernal, sought to apply the methods of science to the study of science itself, linking their drive for quantification to their claims of objectivity. This practice, called scientometrics, has evolved from a marginal technique to become a respected academic speciality with both political and intellectual appeal.
The lecture further examines the theme of the seminar — “origins” — and compares it to that of “revolution.”
Elena Aronova is a historian of science working on the history of environmental and evolutionary sciences in the twentieth century. She is interested in the ways in which scientific practices are affected by, and contribute to, social and political order. Her current project examines the history and politics of environmental archives during the Cold War. She also works on the history of “science studies” as it emerged in early Cold War as a politically relevant area of expertise, on both sides of the Iron Curtain. Elena received a Ph.D. in History and Science Studies from the University of California at San Diego in 2012, after earning a doctorate in Biology and History of Science from the Russian Academy of Science.
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amcola20 When I heard that Dr. Aronova was coming to talk about social constructions and science among other things, I was interested and excited. We talk a lot about how different ... - Elena Aronova – Origins of Science and the History of Science December 10, 2017
Sarah Taft Our last lecture of the semester was presented by Professor Elena Aronova, who traveled all the way from the University of California, Santa Barbara where she is a Professor of ... - Folk scientists in China December 9, 2017
Anna Yu Prof. Aronova brought up the idea of citizen seismology, a specific type of citizen sciences in her articles and her lecture. I have always had a sophisticated impression on the ... - Science and Politics December 9, 2017
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Walker Griggs Professor Elena Aronova of the University of California came to talk with us this past week on the history of science. My take away from her talk, was the role ... - Technology and the History of Science November 29, 2017
Amber Churchwell During her lecture, Elena Aronova explained the differences between the progression of history and science in the Soviet Union and the West. The professor from U.C. Santa Barbara also joined ... - The Origins of Science and the History of Science November 28, 2017
Phillip Kim This week we had Professor Elena Aronova come to Colby to speak about the history of science in the Soviet Union and the West. She talked about how the progress ... - Citizen Science November 28, 2017
vjones20 This week we had a seminar and lecture with Elena Aranova. In preparation for the seminar we read three of her pieces, but ended up discussing mostly about her ideas ...