As a die-hard humanities academic, I have always strayed away from the complexities and conundrums of physical science. I have never studied the stars beyond the occasional look up at constellations, or to marvel at the milky way on a clear night in the desert, without light pollution to diminish its enormity or brilliance. However, the idea of astrology and the origin of the universe has always fascinated me. Having never understood the true theory beyond an explanation a couple sentences long and what I can infer from the title of the theory. As such, this lecture was a fascinating and invigorating ride. I found myself simultaneously understanding the topic more deeply than I ever had, but also having more questions that I never had even thought to wonder about. This led to a simultaneously satisfying, but frustrating experience of learning a great deal, while also becoming aware of how much I don’t understand. As I have found with many of these lectures, I leave with more questions than when I arrive. Having known very little about the origin of anything from the universe to Italian Poetry or Novel Writing, I am repeatedly exposed to a new corner of the world which I know little to nothing about. In the brief time, it is impossible to learn the origins of anything to a satisfactory level. However, opening up these corners of the world, and shedding a bit of light on them makes me more curious, and I find myself wondering about the finer points of origins often. Can we prove the big bang? If we can prove that it happened, but we can’t prove how or why, then is this finding really significant? Does investigating this idea bring us more answers or will it lead to more questions, as the brief lecture on it has for me? How is is possible to define the first novel except by the definition used at the time when it was written? Is it possible to define the boundaries between poetry and music, or does doing so pigeon-hole a broad art form into a claustrophobically tight academic category? It was fascinating to learn so much about both a topic that I was previously very uninformed about, as well as a whole different method for investigating the topic. By looking at the stars, and using them to examine the changes that have occurred in the universe, astrologers believe in the power of the stars for both science, while also reveling in their natural beauty and enjoying the process of analyzing movements. The trust in the stars to move in the way that astrologers predict makes them a supernatural phenomenon in the eyes of the beholding scientist. Few other scientific pursuits have such a magical feeling to them, or such deep roots in the old religious pursuits. This blurs the lines between the scientific and religious facets of astrology, two different pursuits that are often at odds in the modern world, but are brought together in time by the movements of the stars.