Requirements for Students
Regular attendance is required.
Regular weekly blogging is required.
Starting on Sept. 19, and due within the week, students will write a thoughtful 500-word essay (not a summary) each week in response to the lecture or class event, then categorize it appropriately, and post it to the Origins site. There are 10 evening lectures, 1 museum trip, and 1 poster session. You will need at least 10 posts for course credit, one of which MUST be in response to the final Celebration of Research .
Use the date of the event as the category. The final post is due Dec. 12. If you are unable to attend one of the events, please ask Professor Fleming or Professor Rizzo if you can write about another “Origins” themed event.
To post an essay:
1. Log in to the Origins site.
2. Click on the “+New” tab right above the Origins header and select “Post” from the drop-down menu.
3. That will bring you to the “Edit Post” page.
4. Type the title of your post in the blank space immediately under the “Edit Post” title.
4. Type your post in the text box, adding a MORE tag after the first several lines. You can use any of the formatting controls above the text box.
5. IMPORTANT: In the “Categories” box in the middle of the right-hand sidebar, select the date of the event you are posting about.
6. In the “Tags” box under “Categories,” add one or two words (separated by a comma and space) that describe your post’s content and then click “Add.”
7. In the upper right-hand corner, click the blue “Publish” button.
When it has been published, you can view your post by clicking the “View post” link above your post’s title. You can also edit your post by clicking on the “Edit Post” link in the black box at the bottom of your post. That will return you to the “Edit Post” page where you can edit as you wish. Once you are done, click on the blue “Update” button at the far right of the screen.
8. Take the time to read the posts of others and comment on them.
For further assistance in posting, please contact Ellen Freeman or Mark Wardecker