The origin of superheroes is a fascinating story. One must begin with the idea of the superhero, and what exactly defines a superhero. As a social phenomenon, it has become a ubiquitous idea, and an example of the brilliance of American comic makers. It is interesting to consider where superheroes come from, and how they have evolved into their current form, as the stars of comics as well as movies and the role models for young children around the world. Their influence has become far reaching over the years. Heroes have always been a part of literature, since the earliest epic poems from Greek and Roman history. However, the transition from normal heroes into superheroes is a bit more nuanced. Though many people would point to powers that are inhuman as being the defining factor of a superhero, there are much older heroes who display these characteristics. Achilles, though he had his weakness, was invincible in all other areas of his body, a characteristic which makes him obviously inhuman. This becomes a very gray area, as it is impossible to define the boundary between having superhuman capabilities, and being a superhero. Would the treatment of the river Styx on Achilles, or the shoes of Icarus make them superheroes? Both are still mortal, but they also seem to have superhuman capabilities. Is the edge of the gray area defined as mortality, or is it more grounded in morality? As I have found with many of these lectures, I leave with more questions than when I arrive. Having known very little about the origin of anything from the universe to Italian Poetry or Novel Writing, I am repeatedly exposed to a new corner of the world which I know little to nothing about. In the brief time, it is impossible to learn the origins of anything to a satisfactory level. However, opening up these corners of the world, and shedding a bit of light on them makes me more curious, and I find myself wondering about the finer points of origins often. Can we prove an origin, or separate it from an evolution? If we can prove that it happened, but we can’t prove how or why, then is this finding really significant? Does investigating this idea bring us more answers or will it lead to more questions, as the brief lecture on it has for me? How is is possible to define the first novel except by the definition used at the time when it was written? It was fascinating to learn so much about both a topic that I was previously very uninformed about. Modern superheroes are in fact morally grounded. This makes them great role models for young children, as it teaches the lesson that those with great power also have responsibility to use their power morally. The powers of a superhero can be used only for good. In this way they differ from Greek heroes, who consistently showed gaps in morality. Even the immortal gods in Greek myths had flaws.