Guidelines for Anointing of the Sick (May 1, 2020)
Category: Hygiene (Page 3 of 5)
[Corona Guidance editor’s note: This document was originally published on April 16, 2020, then updated on June 11 to include the technology section.]
In exceptional times, ordinances can usually be accomplished while exercising necessary precautions. For example, when communicable disease is a concern, those who perform ordinances should thoroughly wash their hands and may also use gloves and face masks.… Read the rest
The Forward (, April 13
Among the Jewish tradition’s most cherished values is the sanctity of human life. With a few notable exceptions, one must not endanger their life in order to fulfill a religious obligation. And one must violate even the most significant commandments in order to save another person’s life.… Read the rest
Guidelines for the Sacrament of Confession (April 6, 2020)… Read the rest
Tearfund: COVID-19 Guidance for the Local Church (undated, before April 2)… Read the rest
Originally published on
The coronavirus pandemic is challenging our health, work, family, food and fun. It’s also disturbing our peace of mind and forcing us to question our own existence.
We are each asking our own existential questions: Why is this happening to me?… Read the rest
25 March 2020 (Subject to Change)
In response to the COVID-19 pandemic and following the guidance of public health officials and government orders, the Rocky Mountain Rabbinical Council has established the following guidelines for Jewish funerals in Colorado.
As rabbis, we believe that Jewish rituals and customs offer mourners valuable tools for confronting loss and grief and we encourage our members to counsel those they serve using these practices, as best as they can be carried out under the circumstances.… Read the rest
Dear People of God called to be the Diocese of Maine,
As expected, the cases of the Covid-19 virus continue to grow in our country and here in Maine. The Governor has issued new measures to protect public health and access to health care . Municipalities,… Read the rest
[undated, before March 25]
In the Name of God, Merciful to all, Compassionate to each!
Executive Summary
- The coronavirus pandemic constitutes a highly significant danger to the world health, and necessitates immediate action to prevent or slow its transmission, especially to those at risk of severe consequences.