Hello! My name is Georganna Benedetto and I am a freshman here at Colby. This month of January I had the amazing opportunity to take the Chemistry Outreach course and to spend the majority of my time developing science activities, interacting with children in the greater Waterville community, and sharing my love for science with kids. I have worked with kids in a variety of areas ranging from coaching young swimmers to volunteering at summer camps to babysitting. Additionally, science is one of my passions and I enjoy spending my time in the lab working and revising experiments. Chem Outreach has offered me the unique experience to merge science and helping with children.
The first experiment that I developed is the Battery Lab in which students watch a demonstration of a lemon battery being made, construct a penny battery individually, and discuss how batteries help in their daily life. The activity helps students learn about how batteries function in relation to ions, electrolytes, voltage, and current. The lesson additionally helps students apply the knowledge of batteries that they accumulated in class to the real world.
The Science Treasure Hunt Lab is my second activity. The students are tasked with finding the treasure that Captain Hook stole from Peter Pan using a series of clues that use a scientific aspect to reveal
the next location. Students use a wide variety of science principles such as oxidation, polarity, and aerodynamics to solve the clues and find the treasure.
My third and final experiment is the Penny Lab. Students turn a copper-colored penny to a gold color by heating the penny in a zinc-NaOH solution and then heating the penny under a bunsen burner. The students become familiar with the operations of a laboratory and they also learn about physical properties of elements and the visual manifestation of physical changes.