Welcome to the CH151 webpages!

The 2022 chemistry outreach team!

32 classroom visits in 2022!

Our goal is to create exciting, hands-on science activities for kids in local schools. We  spend our January term experimenting, writing, preparing, and doing science with a lot of kids in central Maine. On these webpages, you can read about the activities, see pictures, and find Teacher Kits with helpful information to implement these experiments in your classroom. Choose the Chemistry Activities menus to see our projects with a description of the activities and why we were motivated to develop them.

Liquid nitrogen ice cream at the Colby student center



Weeks 1 and 2:

Students brainstorm with Julie and Lisa and start working through their ideas. New challenges this year as no visitors are allowed on campus, so friends come to the lab to try out the activities and our team makes ice cream for Colby students!

Weeks 3 and 4:

We go into area schools for a whirlwind of science! Our activities ranged from a locked-box mystery at Bangor High School to algae-based “edible” water bottles, extreme weather, and acid-base indicators for local elementary schools!

Sodium alginate + calcium lactate = FUN

Painting with pigments from Kool-Aid.


Scenes from our 2016 chemistry magic show!

5th grade classes come to Colby to work in our labs and see our Magic Show!


Juvenal uses dry ice to make some impressive bubbles!


Georganna’s disappearing ink doesn’t stain her white coat because of amazing acid-base chemistry.


Jordyn changes apple juice to Coke and then a milk shake!








Erika releases the genie!


Grand finale!













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