Scroll down to see our archive of past Colby Hillel Presidents, and where they are now. Feel free to reach out to any of them if you want to chat! Want to be added? Fill out this google form!

Sarah Rockford ’15
Favorite presidential memory: Celebrating Purim with Beth Israel Congregation every year.
Where are you now? After tearing myself away from central Maine where I lived until 2021, I moved to New York to start rabbinical school at the Jewish Theological Seminary. I hope to graduate in the spring of ’26. Until then you’ll find me in New York City’s beautiful parks and spending time with my partner Rebecca.
Jason Gurevitch ’19 [email protected]
Favorite presidential memory: Baking Challah and bringing people together.
Where are you now? I’m currently living in New York City and am getting married in October 2024. I work as a software engineer and volunteer for Crux, an LGBTQ+ rock climbing organization where I teach monthly new climber nights.

Emma Hofman ’20 [email protected]
Favorite presidential memory: Jewish Goat Hike on the Shabbaton!
Where are you now? I just got back from a Fulbright grant in Colombia and am moving to New York!
Bronya Lechtman ’20 [email protected]
Favorite presidential memory: Jam packed Hillel rooms on a Shabbat and chaotic board meetings.
Where are you now? I organize on environmental issues and live in Portland, Maine. It’s been so wonderful getting to be back in the Maine Jewish scene!

Chessy Singer ’21 [email protected]
Favorite presidential memory: Collaborating on creating a beautiful Passover seder my senior year with my co-presidents and the whole board.
Where are you now? I’m living in NYC, starting my Masters in Early Childhood Education with a dual certification in special education at Teachers College @ Columbia University fall of 2024! I love making Shabbat with friends from my Avodah service corps year (2022-2023) and with other friends and family in the city. I’m very involved in JFREJ and specifically organize on their Housing and Migrant Justice working group.
Sonia Lachter ’22 [email protected]
Favorite presidential memory: The Matzah Ball!
Where are you now? I live in D.C. now and work in politics. I miss Hillel Shabbats and Beth Israel holidays all the time!

Raizel McNally ’23 [email protected]
Favorite presidential memory: Learning how to wrap tefillin in the Hillel room in between classes.
Where are you now? After graduating with a major in Anthropology and minor in Environmental Studies, I’m now living in Brooklyn, NY. I am currently finishing up a year in the Avodah Service Corp working for a nonprofit focused on child trafficking prevention.
Sam Posner ’24 [email protected]
Favorite presidential memory: Shabbat dinners!
Where are you now? I am currently the IACT Engagement Associate at UCF Hillel

Martha Lieberman ’24 [email protected]
Favorite presidential memory: Shabbat dinners and late night chats in the Hillel room!
Where are you now? I am living in Jerusalem studying at Pardes Institute of Jewish Studies and and I will be working for Ramah Israel in the spring!