The Center for Small Town Jewish Life is an organization that lives in-house at Colby and works to bring superlative Jewish life and learning to the state of Maine, and beyond. Undergraduate students are an integral part of this work and many Hillel students serve as Jewish Leadership Fellows supporting statewide programming and events while gaining essential professional skills and leadership experience. Hillel also partners with the CSTJL for a number of events including the Fall Shabbaton and the Maine Conference for Jewish Life.
Beth Israel Congregation, founded in Waterville in 1957 is modern Conservative egalitarian, synagogue. Colby Hillel is part of the vibrant Waterville Jewish community. We celebrate holidays in conjunction with Beth Israel, attend services, and sponsor joint programming. Our connection to the Beth Israel community teaches students what it means to be an active and responsible member of a synagogue community.
The Jewish Studies Department makes Colby the only college in the state of Maine with a dedicated Jewish studies program. They offer a range of courses and programming for Jewish and non-Jewish students interested in diving deeper into the history, culture, theology, and politics of Jewish civilization.