February 13, 2025

AI: Our Friend or Enemy?

Within the past few decades, the usage of Artificial Intelligence (AI) has drastically increased. AI has streamlined many tedious tasks that would otherwise be done by hand. Contrary to belief, AI violates many key rights of citizens through its invasiveness of privacy and other civil liberties. AI has widely increased global interconnectedness, through the creation of the Internet and other forms of AI that allow humans to connect with each other across the globe. Through algorithms and coding, AI makes decisions based on data and other factors. However, without human verification, AI is able to make decisions that could otherwise be dangerous. Although AI has improved life for humans, it is a dangerous component of society that if not handled carefully, could contribute to the destruction of our world.

AI makes humans detached from reality. Apps such as Instagram make us concerned with others that we forget about who we really are. Other forms of social media, such as Facebook and Snapchat distract humans from being fully immersed in society. If you’re on your phone with your friends and aren’t paying attention to conversation, you’re missing out from many experiences that may prove beneficial. Being able to hear the perspectives of others allows you to analyze yours and make changes as you see fit. Furthermore, different methods of AI on these apps, such as the algorithms used, abuse data in order to market certain products that are of relevant interest. For example, if you visit websites that sell luxury watches on your browser, your phone will collect ‘cookies’ that are then sent to companies that sell data to larger corporations. ‘Cookies’ maintain and dictate to the AI what ads are most interesting to you based on your search history. Data is a large component of AI that attempts to store information that may prove beneficial for commercial purposes. All of this data is maintained and stored by countries such as Microsoft and Amazon on servers. This data is then processed and analyzed to better understand the interests of consumers. While this may not sound particularly worrying, storing data violates one’s privacy and can be used against an individual in the future.

AI can also be used to hack and steal the property of individuals. With the increase in widespread usage of AI, scams and other forms of stealing property have occurred. Often times, thieves can remotely access the desktop of individuals and hold their documents and files as “hostage.” In order to get these items back, ransom is required and there is still no guarantee that these items will be given back. AI is also dangerous as seen in self driving cars. Car brands such as Tesla market their products as having accessories that allow the car to drive itself. Many people have used this feature to relax behind the wheel and rely on the car to get them to their destination. There have been countless examples of drivers abusing this feature with dangerous implications. These systems remain flawed and people have died from car accidents where the self-driving feature was activated. Many components of the military also rely on AI to successfully complete tasks. The nuclear defense of the United States is based on a system of algorithms. While humans are the ultimate deciders on when to launch nuclear weapons, one small flaw in the system could prove fatal. Targeting systems also have AI to successfully destroy targets, however, one mistake could endanger the lives of troops on the same side. Countless mistakes of friendly fire in both the Vietnam and Iraq Wars have resulted in the death of hundreds of soldiers on the side of the US.

Tesla’s AutoPilot feature

The backbone of AI is embedded within the capitalist ideologies of countries such as the United States. AI, while expensive to implement and research, is more beneficial in the long run. AI has led to the termination of millions of jobs, through its cheap nature and the fact that it is able to complete tasks faster than humans. Humans are forced to attain skills that AI are able to complete if they expect to receive a well-paying job. Surveillance is also a large component of AI that infringes upon the rights of citizens. Technology such as CCTV cameras “spies” on citizens and limits the freedoms they are granted. AI is an extremely invasive form of technology that allows for exploitation of human life.

AI may streamline many different characteristics of human life, however, the negative effects outweigh the benefits to society. In its current state, AI will surpass human intelligence within the next decade. This alone should raise many questions regarding the usage around AI. In order to stop AI from passing human intelligence, algorithms and other methods need to be implemented without delay in order to ensure the security of humanity. If AI is unable to be contained, civilization will crumble and resemble that of Dr. Victor Frankenstein who fell victim to his creation.  AI is an extremely dangerous and unpredictable component of society that needs to be limited in order to guarantee a future for humanity.

   Victor Frankenstein’s monster that led to his demise: An example of AI with tragic consequences.




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