Mertonian Norms in the Modern World
Throughout “The Normative Structure of Science” Robert Merton introduces and explains the sets of institutional imperatives that we refer to as the …
Science, Technology, and Society
A Colby Community Website for ST112, Fall 2020
Throughout “The Normative Structure of Science” Robert Merton introduces and explains the sets of institutional imperatives that we refer to as the …
Science, as an entire discipline, can be observably altered by social constructs. Forms of government are one example of this. The type of government that …
Robert K. Merton was an American sociologist who worked at Columbia University and was interested in the way that science fits in with broader political …
The Mertonian Norms are four aspects of science created by Robert K Merton. These norms are universalism, communism, disinterestedness, and organized skepticism. These norms proposed …
According to Robert K. Merton’s “The Normative Structure of Science,” the instituonalized goal of science is to extend the certification of knowledge. In other words, …
Since the invention of vaccines, there have been those that have opposed it on a number of issues, ranging from wild conspiracy theories on the …
The Mertonian norms are universalism, communism, disinterestedness and organized skepticism. These Mertonian norms help us understand how science is done because they all are norms …
In 1600, Galileo used the telescope to observe the planets and how the earth revolved around a large mass of hot gas known as …
In this unit, we discussed two very different matters, science and democracy. We analyzed science and democracy throughout history and worked to find connections and …
In The Sociology of Science: Theoretical and Empirical Investigations, Robert Merton, an American sociologist who is considered a founding father of modern sociology, introduced his …