Culture has always been one of the most complicated words to define. In every class I have taken at Colby or in highschool, culture has been a topic at some point in the course. Whether in anthropology, history, or economics, culture is studied in multiple ways as we try to understand its full influence and reach. It impacts all domains of life, and continues to influence communities and regions daily. Throughout this week I was interested to learn more about culture, and the way that different people define it. I was most interested with how culture has transformed over time, and how the definition continues to alter today. Everyone I have talked to seems to have a unique definition of culture, and at Colby the presence of culture is a daily occurrence. Whether in the halls or a dining hall culture is prevalent and blooming, and it will not slow down.
As we talked about in class this week, the definition of culture has changed consistently throughout history. Originally what referred to the cultivation of land and products turned into a word that described the manners, faculties, and mind developments. The word continued to change in its scope as it became more specialized and socially focused. The modern definition understands culture as a combination of customs, distinct ideas, social behaviours, and practices. These aspects all uniquely influence how we understand culture, and how cultures differ from each other due to these influences and context. This new and broadened definition of the word has allowed culture to be impacting almost all aspects of life. At college I believe culture is even more important and prevalent, as we are in an isolated bubble of our own when away at school. For most students this change is the most significant in their life thus far, and navigating an entirely new community can be very difficult until you find the culture you want to be a part of, or the one you create for yourself.
At Colby, culture is all around us. Humanities, social sciences, and natural sciences are three distinct cultures that are prevalent on campus, however culture comes in various forms. As culture has continued to become more influential it has become more present on campus as well. Culture makes people feel comfortable and understood, and who wouldn’t want that when living in a new setting. Luckily, Colby promotes culture and community throughout campus as clubs, athletics, academics, arts, and more can all be pursued in your own time. I think that all of these groups and communities at Colby can be considered cultures, as they foster the ideas that the current definition has transitioned to. Creating groups with similar practices, ideas, customs and beliefs allows many people to feel at home even thousand of miles away from their true home. Culture is very beneficial in this aspect as it brings people together to collaborate towards a common focus. Through this people are able to excel in their interests and hobbies in a way that they would not be able to without that foundation.
Culture will continue to blossom at Colby as the school promotes the ideals that culture includes, and the community that it creates. Whether academic, athletic, or leisure, there are dozens of examples of culture at Colby that impact the community as a whole. These influences will continue to add onto what Colby has to offer, and prove how beneficial cultures and communities can be.